Thursday, September 01, 2005


House is our own
Holiday flights back to Blighty booked
Boss forgiven because he gave me 2 extra days holidays to fit in with cheap flights.
SG-1 on TV tonight.

Could life be anymore rosy?

The sun is still shining, it's hot and the sky is blue, yet somewhy I feel a yearning for fall. It's at this time of year I almost get disapointed being here. The flowers last well into November, it's so mild. Then suddenly winter is upon us. When it's raining I never think I'm going to miss rain but I do today. I have an urge to go out and buy an umbrella - just in case.

I want to go home to hubby and drink champagne right now but I have two hours to wait.

1 comment:

Girl said...

almost time for cozy clothes :)