Saturday, November 06, 2021


6th November. I'm just going to come out and say it. I'm entering the HT again. I hope lots of other women will enter but also, I don't because I want to get in. I know I'm not the fastest but I do keep going so I will try not to let imposter system creep in and be confident about my plans and, now I know that I can complete it I will work at getting faster at it with a little more confidence.

If you're reading this, sorry, it's not written for you, it's therapy for me.

I can't stop thinking on it so what I do at this point is write it down so my brain can move on, get on with my life & get on with training.  Yesterday I wrote a long list of reasons for spending money on my race and my bicycles, one of which came down to "I am now better equipped for shitting" as I replaced my unreliable and slightly weighty cat hole digger with a sturdier yet lighter version.

Anyway, as if I need a reason to do the HT again, I will give 4.

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  1. Because I want to. I want to experience the push of competition (even if it is just against the clock) and the draw of the mountains -at all times of day.
  2. I want to race it with people - and different people because every year I've met someone new in those dark places at the bottom of Glens. Let's face it I've done enough solo riding to last a lifetime.
  3. I want to meet my other selves again. Right now I'm getting on great with the person who actually springs out of bed at 6am every day to go training (no really, I am).
  4. 4. I like riding my bike all day. To celebrate my decision and possibly remind my future self just what a good idea this is, I'm dedicating a Saturday morning to a short compilation of honest ways I will improve on last year (after the training is done). Yes it is a list of excuses... but excuses I have learned from.


1. My startling routine was nailed. Well done me. Same prep next year

Day 1 - Tyndrum to nearly Fort Augustus

2.    I didn't keep going long enough. I might have avoided the heavy frost but I was still very cold. In finer conditions dropping right down would also bring me further along on day 1 - easily. The weather predictions were accurate - those that were further North would have been better off.

Day2 - Fort Augustus to Contin 

The climb over from Invermorriston was much more fun in the daylight.  It was the first time my feet hurt like hell in the wrong shoe choice I need to learn to love that place just a little bit more to make any progress there. This time I said I'd never do it again (Ha!)

The new bit was really enjoyable. 

3. Bring better shoes
4. Less languishing
Languishing over coffee in Cannich was great but it would have been best to go straight to the stores & get resup done earlier/arrived in Contin earlier. In Covid times it would have made no difference because the shop shut at 2pm - long ago. I hope they'll be open next year but one thing is certain, I'll not overlook my "emergency rations" in future & will scoff them in place of stopping early. I had more than enough food to see me to the hotel.

5. Dont buy 20 minute pasta, stick to cold food /pot noodles. 
I carried that shitty pasta a long way with other food onboard! Getting resup in Contin seemed like such a milestone, I didn't know what to do with myself when it didn't happen so I just stopped. Stopping became the early decision, therefore my only plan. Another 4 hrs would have easily got me to a stop before loch Veitch or a dry crossing before the worst weather hit. Gain - 4 hours. 

Gosh a lot happened on day 2

Day 3 to Contin to OBH

6. Have some faith now in Inchbae
7. Carry the hotels phone numbers in your bag/phone. I can not love the ride over to Croic more. Some speed! The Glens! The rivers!
8. Not getting stuck at the hotel is a skill.
9. Use cat holes more - enough said

I stopped around 7:30 pm. Would have been 5:30pm had I not arsed about up & down the valley with stomach troubles. So only a 10-11 hr day with 8 hrs riding. 4 hrs gain to be made.

Day 4 - O B H to Drumbeg. 

This was a full day but there's a few things for me to remember.
10. Be brave on the N loop. It is an enigma but one that you love. Also it was nice to do it all in daylight
Hotel to resup was 16 hrs for me.
11. Having company is a great motivator even if you don't always believe it at the time. 

I liked my companion but for a while I found myself wondering if we were missing out by chattering noisily through this great wild space. I had been there on my own before though. This was something new and different and we whooped down the descents together, happy-excitable for dinner. For the first time in days I pushed on into the night, passing my companions and happy to not be last for once.  It was the first day I believed I'd have company for a while.

Day 5- Drumbeg To nearly Ullapool.

This is a weird one. All the hours are there in my day. I was up early, got brunch at Ullapool with Javi and then turned my back on the lunch crew who then cruised past me not much later as my wheels (or rather feet) fell off. It was another case of "the wrong shoes Grommit". So 1 applies:

1. Wear the right shoes. 
I recon I'd have saved 3 hours of the 8 it took me to move over Ledmore had I been comfortable on my feet and also riding the cotic. There was a lot of lying/sitting around and walking.  During my recce on the Cotic I rode a lot more along the side of the Loch.

In 2020 I'd have physically done much better at the HT but then I'd still have been on the wrong bike so lesson learned. Eventually I might perfect it. (I won't perfect it). With reference to not languishing, I don't for one minute regret the full meal eaten in the OBH On the Crossing to Ullapool I was driven by the promise of warmer weather and it did not fail to disappoint. I enjoyed my night ride and again, experienced satisfaction in leap­frogging someone else in the night

Day 6.-Ullapool To Fisher field.

I faffed in Ullapool, deliberated at the outdoor shop and ate Icecream & had to kill time before eateries opened. It will happen somewhere on every ride so I'll not claim that one. 

I left about 10am. If I write about the new route into Fisherfield it will be rude. I will claim 1-2 hrs of boggling my brain over the new route and sitting about because my feet hurt. Those hours will also include stomping about in the heather trying to decide whether to stop or carry on. Generally though, I was happy with my day. 

Day 7- Fisherfield to Kinlochleven (+ Torridon)

I left Fisherfield late. There was a lot of sitting around. I was slow getting out. Left at 10, got to Poolewe at 4pm. I was tired but also didn't want to leave. I'll take a 3hr bonus for an early morning & some more gusto on my feet.

The Tollie Path - I knew would not be easy (even if it is easier than Postie). With the fast roadie bits to Kinlochewe to keep my inner timekeeper motivated, I pushed on with only a minor stomach complaint and achieved Kinlochewe in the same timeframe as the Postie two years earlier when I was just a baby trail rider and had packed too much shit on a heavy bike.  

My brain thought I could poke on to do Torridon, and fly home in 2 days so I all-nighter-ed over Torridon. I can't necessarily say that gained me any time at this point. Losing a sleep here, slowed down the rest of the ride.  A bit of false economy although it did keep me in closer not-the-lantern-rouge contention.

Day 8- Torridon to Glen Afric 

I'm going to put my punctures here because they officially started on 29th at 1am. That's how I also spent far too much time in Dornie recovering from my all-nighter then proceeded to stop far too frequently in order to nurse my feet during the climbs... and the flats and it's about this point I noticed my BB was on its last legs. Eventually I lay down on the other side of GA and slept for 90' before stopping properly at 8pm. I am taking 4 hours for this day, though I probably squandered 5 hours. 

Day 9-Glen Affric to Devil's Staircase 

I left in good time and resisted cafes until FA. From 8am to 3pm, there was some resting but nothing extraordinary. It was 5pm when I switched Garmin at FW. I sat on a rock or chatted to a runner for a while + I brewed food (or coffee?) leaving KLL. The body was willing to carry on but the brain said no so I pitched in the darkness. However, I wish I'd descended Devils Staircase in the dark because I walked it in daylight anyway. Whether I claim the 7 hours rest here as a saving is debatable. I doubt I'd pull 2 all-nighters but I have now saved 23 hours so the question of an extra 5 hours sleep is moot. I'm having it.

Day 10-Devils staircase to Tyndrum

I can't claim I might've done this any faster short of avoiding standing around waiting for a bull to do it's thing, not bothering to change my damp bib shorts 4 hours from the finish line, not riding with a fucked up BB. Sod it, I'm having an hour.

Total savings - 24-29 hours.

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