Monday, August 19, 2013

Final day of the super brevet scandanavia

Headed down to Arendal on my bike in time for the earliest meeting time that TSK had given me.  Hung around and did some personal shopping in town until Andrew arrived.  The Norwegians *can* make fleeces!  

Spent most of the afternoon directing riders down the easy path around the harbour instead of letting them ride over the big hill on the main road then escorted TSK in and had lunch with the super brevet riders.  Once back at my vanu, I packed up then set off back to Kristiansands for the big finish.

Ate my dinner at the campsite at Kristiansands then spent the evening worrying at the finish before heading out towards the edge of town to escort Andrew and his companions in.  Slept at the Budget Hotel with them before getting up at 3am to stand in the car park talking to John, unable to sleep in the full moon and right next to the ocean.

Goddamn it... still exhausted.

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