Well that went well.
1000m of swimmin with 4 x 100 m sprints...
I was only supposed to do 3 sprints to get into the spirit of swimming twice a week.
Enjoyed the ride to work. Enjoyed the ride home. Hit a kind of "on top of everything" euphoria about lunchtime which didn't really go away until I chilled out at bedtime and slept soundly all night. How satisfying.
It's going to get cold from now on. Studded mtb tyres at the ready.
Inspired by photos of Ironman Mexico this morning. Good luck Ruthy.
I just need to find it in myself this weekend to go for a 20 minute run, a 40km ride, another 7 mile run and actually complete my 'cross race on Sunday and I wil have successfully completed week 1.
Piece of piss? Since my left knee screams in pain every time I kneel on it - perhaps not (still remnants from crashing onto it in Bradfield less than two weeks ago). Triathlon isn't about kneeling down though is it?
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