Sunday, June 05, 2016

Week 18 - the biggie (should've been last weekend but had the small matter of an international to worry about)

This isn't a story of the week.  It's the story of the last 18 mile run before Ironman.

I've been here three times before.  One time better prepared, one time so much worse (ill).

Last year in 2014 I ran 0.01miles less than today, climbed 200 m less and yet it took me an extra 40 minutes.

In 2013 I ran 18.29 miles with 300m less climbing but still, 10 minutes slower than today.  That year I finished my Ironman.

Today was a beautiful day to finish intense training.

I ran along the Rivelin Valley then up to Hollow Meadows and down to the path that leads to Stanage

Took the luxury of stopping for some lunch

Photographed a route that I led in my 20's with Rachel James as second.

Then ran along the top of Stanage to Stanage Pole

Checked out the new pole, errected this year with the support of local businesses - mostly by Dark Peak members (I get the impression!)

Then continued along the trail to Redmires Reservoirs and along the other side of the Rivelin Valley to get home.
I am more motivated by long distance running than ever, knowing that I have this wonderful route on my doorstep.

Already thinking twice about my assertions that I'm never going long again.

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