Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Back - Thoughts on the first trip to the old country

Rocky mountains from the 'plane between Calgary and Vancouver.

Therapy... I'm glad to be back in Canada.

Lovely to see you all.

Sorry if I missed you.

You all drive like lunatics. SLOW DOWN... this applies to life in general.


Wildefrost said...

GREAT shot! Whoaaaaa! Love it love it.

jj said...

You missed me!!
Next time I wanta be involved with boob inspections - I'm good at those!!

Agreed with Lauren - really greast shot!

Girl said...

welcome back!

aren't the mountains a comforting sight?

Trepid Explorer said...

Soooo nice to hear from YOU all again. Silver gets a double wammy of my affection - lucky girl.

So the pic was worth breaking the rules about shifting seats after take-off?

Girl said...

always shift for the shot.