Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Boing boing

Lunchtime and I've had enough. Shoes on and out into the abyss. The fog has descended on Sheffield and from my office I can see no further than the street at the end of our tiny car park. It's definitely a day for the sunshine glasses so I'm avoiding eye contact with colleagues so they're not short sighted enough to believe I think I look good in my Bono specs.

Straight up the hill from work. My old run route home in the days when I could manage it. Turning off for the church steps again. I am forced to say hello to the year in industry student as I summit and he declares me "a bit keen".

Little does he know that I am to spend the next 30 minutes running up and down this hill over and over. Different routes, slopes, steps, tracks, the road, the quarry. Up the high street for a bit then back to the leet where Hollowgate awaits.

The longest flight of steps. I haven't yet conquered running all the way to the top of this. It's uneven and steep steep steep but it's great fell running practise right in the back garden of where where work so this is why I can't complain about my job.

I've counted them on the photograph. There's about 32 steps. I've never counted them when I'm running but it might be interesting to do... If I can find the inclination.

I ping out the top, gasping for breath despite the fact that I am only walking now. I look at the watch. Whilst I'm satisfied that I've done enough hill climbing, I've only been out for 15 minutes and life's too short to rush back to work so I head off up the track towards home. After a short time things flatten out then head downhill and I stretch out the running legs for a while before starting up the slope to the top of the motorway cutting. Only part way and I declare it to be enough for the day with the downhill I just ran now being an uphill. A gentle plod back to the office via the garage for chocolate sustenance. I love lunchtime running.

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