I have it in me to start my new years resolutions early so yesterday I spent 20 minutes on the running machine and then found the energy for 44 lengths of the pool. This morning I ran around my village circuit. I have no idea how long I was out in the cold but I ran the whole route except for the stiles which were too icy to approach with a run and a leap. I took it careful on the railway crossings too as I seem to have a habit of coinciding with the 10:15 from Swindon.
I am pleased I ran round the whole circuit since 3 weeks ago at the end of the back pain, just before the gastro entoritis, I walked the same route and had to stop 4 times on the steep grassy hill, just to catch my breath and rest my legs. Perhaps I haven't lost as much fitness as I thought.
I hope so, since the national championships are the week after next.
TSK have been doing our best to fill in the 2009 calendar for this year. So far, I have entered this and I am scared.
1 comment:
I'm not quite as nutty as you but I did manage a walky-run this morning myself, to try and begin the year off right. :)
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