Monday, February 25, 2019

Train like a pro day 4 - La Rentrée

OK.  I didn't quite manage the Monday morning ride or gym, with a ton of stuff to take back to work, a little tired from yesterday and an urge to get in early so I could get out early.

This I did manage and took my new ride out for a spin this evening.  Without a team mechanic to get my bike ready it took me a while to get the tool bag, pump, lights and Garmin mount on.

I also couldn't decide what to wear.  On account of it being February in the bottom of the valley and June at the top of the valley where the sun had been shining.

I had an abrupt warm up Hollins Lane then pootled along one side of the valley and back along the other, messing with cleats, saddle height, position and more cleats along the way.

I think I nailed it but I'm sure I didn't.

A very enjoyable evening out, despite the mid ride freezing from time to time.

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