When meeting your ironman training targets is oh soooo easy
A 1 mile swim with 4 short sprints & bike sprints I can throw off on my commute home from work.
Bring on the tough stuff.
I did think about starting my cold shower training therapy at the pool today but decided that there were enough good excuses in the form of: having been ill with a tummy bug, it being -1 degrees outside, cycling to work with wet hair after a cold shower = no good. I had a less-than-full-heat shower which gradually crept back up to full heat as time went by. Well, I did manage to get all the way down the draughty corridor without my towel around my shoulders and without running.
Lunchtime saw me book my accommodation - which is a relief as everywhere seemed to be getting filled up rather quickly... or out of our price range.
My ride home was done "with vigour" though I suspect this is more to do with the cold than any training motivation left with my by the end of the day.
I am suitably tired but ready for tomorrow's 3 mile run. Ahhh.
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