Monday, August 29, 2005


The calm before the storm

Walking the walk. A sight many people will be relieved to see later in the day.

Before (three sad bikes - their swimmers didn't finish in time) and After

A rider coming into transition

Volunteers fighting with big ballon archways. One kept blowing away in the wind.

And the compressor just stopped on the other one. Two guys had to hold it up so the athletes could get through underneath whilst someone restarted the compressor.

Finish line melée.


Devlon said...

Nice pics. I live in Penticton also and enjoyed the Ironman this year.

I've missed it the last couple of years and have never seen what an inspirational thing it is. Those people are amazing.

So are the volunteers.

Trepid Explorer said...

Most volunteers on Ironman day get so much from it. To be around many like-minded people and the gratitude the athletes give out is wonderful. Can't wait till next year.