The best bit about my trip back to England was seeing everyone I have been missing for the last two years. My lovely family and my totally special friends. Pinching an idea from Lauren I have come up with the top 50 things I love about my friends.
1. When necessary we all scrub up really well
2. But at the end of the evening the shoes will always come off.
3. You take my breath away – literally
4. I always injure myself somehow when I’m with you
5. We CAN drink
6. None of you smoke.
7. Hugs are value for money (see: you take my breath away)
8. No-one can ever remember how we all know eachother. Sometimes even I don’t remember.
9. You know what to ask me about and when and when to draw the line
10. You make me feel totally special. I hope I do the same for you.
11. Innuendo.
12. You remind me that I can be selfish and never give me the opportunity to get away with it.
13. You are great to share a hangover with.
14. You know how to decorate cars.
15. You all like eating, a lot.
16. Those of you who are more disorganised than I am, married organised people. Those of you who are more organised than me, are married to my disorganised friends – figure that one out.
17. We find it socially acceptable to wear, and be around PINK.
18. Show you a hill and you’ll climb it – or come down it really really fast.
19. I can always rely on one of you to fill me in on the status of the others when I get out of touch.
20. When I come back after 2 years away it feels like I was never gone. We just pick up and get back on from where we left off.
21. You came to bike races to watch, even though you don’t get-it.
22. If you did get it, you had a go. That applies to everything in my life
23. We shared millennium eve together and it was so perfect. (Post-events excepted)
24. When you were scared, you did it anyway.
25. You all made my wedding day the best day of my life.
26. You keep inviting me to gatherings, even though I live 4451 miles away. I have to think hard about not attending (but keep asking because I’m getting richer).
27. You keep sending me your holiday pictures. I really enjoy looking at them.
28. It feels so bad that I don’t see you so much but it feels great that I know you’ll visit one day. Niall, make SURE you bring Kay this time.
29. You remind me how not-normal I am and don’t criticise me for being insane… in fact you encourage it.
30. When I broke myself for the first time you all laughed hard and didn’t worry.
31. You’ve all turned into such great people.
32. You made my dad feel great on my wedding day.
33. I don’t really feel safe when one of you runs up behind me.
34. You laugh at me for goofing up, but in a good way.
35. You know I’m always skinny and know I don’t try to be.
36. You give inanimate objects names too.
37. You know skiing is good.
38. Jeans look good on you.
39. You all enjoy your jobs but don’t talk about them too much. We have way more in common.
40. You’ve watched me grow without taking the piss or saying “we told you so” too much.
41. You hold my hands and cuddle me like I’m your long-lost sister.
42. When we were younger we all made plans with eachother for when we get old(er) and now we are, we can look back on those plans.
43. You’ve let me try to break your girlfriends / boyfriends. On various occasions I have succeeded but you’ve forgiven me (once I wasn’t even there though…).
44. You tell me when you’re excited.
45. You usually tell me when you’ve moved house. (ADAM).
46. You’ve looked after me when I’ve been really really drunk, going as far as drying my eyes, holding my hair, keeping me decent, keeping me awake and letting me sleep in your bed for a long time.
47. You understand that anything said on a rockface or during a race is not me speaking, it is something evil inside.
48. You’d drive on English motorways for a good party.
49. You mostly understand, “This is the “why?””
50. You tolerate my highs and lows – large as they are.